Ultra-small Single-way 2-3 Lines Can Shut Down 5V-12V Fan Temperature Control Speed Controller Weak Power Chassis Noise Reduction

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Are you tired of the constant noise coming from your computers fan? Do you wish there was a way to control its speed and reduce the irritating sound it generates? Look no further, because we have the perfect solution for you!

Introducing the Ultra-small Single-way 2-3 Lines Can Shut Down 5V-12V Fan Temperature Control Speed Controller Weak Power Chassis Noise Reduction. This incredible device is specially designed to regulate the speed of your computer fan and reduce the noise it produces. With its upgraded design and ultra-small volume, this speed controller is compatible with 5V-12V fans and provides intelligent temperature control.

Intelligent Temperature Control

fan speed controller for computer cooling system

This temperature control speed regulator is equipped with a smooth voltage reduction control feature, allowing you to adjust the speed of your fan according to the temperature. It supports DC 5V-12V fans with a current not exceeding 0.9A. The controller ensures a low temperature shut-off fan power, providing an efficient cooling system for your computer.

Easy Installation and Usage

fan speed controller for computer cooling system

The Ultra-small Single-way 2-3 Lines Can Shut Down 5V-12V Fan Temperature Control Speed Controller Weak Power Chassis Noise Reduction is incredibly easy to install and use. However, it is important to note that the power supply voltage should be in line with the fan voltage to avoid any damages.

Enhanced Features

fan speed controller for computer cooling system

This speed controller offers a range of enhanced features that make it an exceptional choice for controlling fan speed. The circuit board has an operating voltage range of DC 4.6-13.5V with over-range protection. The control fan current ranges from 0.1-0.9A, ensuring optimal performance. Additionally, the circuit operates in temperatures ranging from -10℃ to 60℃, ensuring durability and reliability.

Moreover, the Ultra-small Single-way 2-3 Lines Can Shut Down 5V-12V Fan Temperature Control Speed Controller Weak Power Chassis Noise Reduction comes with a temperature probe model of 50K B=3950. The temperature resistance of the probe varies depending on the type - the small black head probe can withstand temperatures up to 120℃, while the circular probe can withstand temperatures up to 110℃.

Factory Default Settings

fan speed controller for computer cooling system

When you purchase this speed controller, it comes with factory default settings that provide a convenient starting point. These default settings include a base speed output of 35%, an acceleration temperature of 30℃, and a temperature control interval of 5℃. The fan will not shut down when the temperature is low.

Wiring Guidelines and Setting Method

fan speed controller for computer cooling system

To ensure proper installation and usage, carefully follow the provided wiring diagram. It is crucial to take note of the positive and negative polarity of the power supply to prevent any damages to the circuit board. Once installed, you can adjust the settings and control the fan speed based on your requirements.

For visual demonstrations and instructions, you can check out the demonstration video by following this link: Demonstration Video

Upgrade your computers cooling system with the Ultra-small Single-way 2-3 Lines Can Shut Down 5V-12V Fan Temperature Control Speed Controller Weak Power Chassis Noise Reduction. Say goodbye to noisy fans and hello to a quiet and efficient computing experience. Get yours today at a discounted price of $14.32, with a regular price of $15.40. Dont miss out on this incredible offer!

Delivery is available with a shipping fee of $3.37. Choose the type of power cord and probe that best suits your needs:

  • Type 1: Red and black power cord + small black head probe 10cm
  • Type 2: Red and black power cord + circular probe 40cm
  • Type 3: 3P plug cable + small black head probe 10cm
  • Type 4: 3P plug cable + circular probe 40cm

Upgrade your computers cooling system today and enjoy a quieter and more efficient computing experience!

fan speed controller for computer cooling system

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    1. 2023 에듀윌 7급 9급 공무원 기본서 국어 세트:5회독 플래너 기출 OX APP 문법 회독극대화 워크북 제공51,000 원 45,900원10% 할인 로켓배송 GO 2. 에듀윌 공인중개사 1차 기출족보 OX 세트44,000 원 39,600원10% 할인 무료배송 GO 3. 에듀윌 공인중개사 1차 부동산학개론 기출족보 OX22,000 원 19,800원10% 할인 로켓배송 GO 4. 에듀윌 공인중개사 2차 부동산공시법 기출족보 OX20,000…